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Welcome to San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency

SGPWA Adminstrative BuildingThe Agency is one of 29 State Water Contractors. As a Contractor, the Agency is responsible for paying its share of the debt service on the State Water Project.

While most of this construction occurred in the 1960’s and 1970’s, it is still going on today with both capital projects and major O&M (operation and maintenance) projects under construction at any given time.

Each contractor is responsible for the importation of water from Lake Oroville and the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta through the State Water Project into its service area. The East Branch Extension, the pipeline that brings State Project Water into the Agency’s service area, was completed in 2003. The Agency sells this water to local water retailers to reduce local groundwater overdraft.

Currently, the Agency is selling water to the Yucaipa Valley Water District (the Calimesa area), the Beaumont Cherry Valley Water District (Beaumont and Cherry Valley), and the City of Banning.

What's Happening

Service Area

2022 District Map
Click to enlarge image

Facilities Map

SGPWA Facilities Map 2021
Click to enlarge image

Additional Water Supplies

In addition to the Agency’s allotment (Table A amount) from the State Water Project, the Agency has procured other sources of water.

Water Resources